Posting your bouquet

Here are our easy steps for sending your flowers to us. Don't worry, it's not as hard as it seems. We get many bouquets every week through the mail, and they arrive in great condition!

Just follow these steps, and your bouquet will be just fine.

Step 1

Choose a box that fits your bouquet. If it's too small, you can trim an inch off the stems—this actually helps the flowers absorb water better.

Ensure the box is no taller than 60cm, or the post office will charge you more. Write our address and "FRAGILE FRESH FLOWERS" on the box.

Step 2

Place a cardboard florist's vase in the center of your box. You can use something similar or purchase one cheaply on Amazon if you have time. for approximately €5.00.

Maybe ask your florist to give you a box.

Step 3

Scrunch up newspaper pages and stuff them around the edges of the box to keep it secure. Avoid using bubble wrap, as it can make your flowers sweat. If you include any keepsakes, don't wrap them in newspaper—use a sandwich bag instead so they stay dry and visible.

Step 4

If you're feeling brave, trim the stems a bit. The ends have sealed since your florist made the bouquet, so trimming helps them drink better. Wet some kitchen paper and fold it around the bottom of the stems, not just the sides, as they absorb water from the bottom.

Step 5

Place a sandwich bag around the kitchen paper and the bottom of the stems to prevent water from leaking into the box. Secure the plastic bag with an elastic band.

Step 6

Carefully place the bouquet into the cardboard vase. It should fit snugly and not move around much. If it's too wobbly, add more newspaper inside the vase to keep it secure.

Step 7

Add more newspaper to secure the flowers and include your details. Seal the box with sellotape. Please let me know in advance of posting and we will give you the address. Take the box to the A Post and request the Special Delivery Before 1pm Service. It should cost €16.00

P&P pack

All of these items are pretty easy to find, ideally you allocate someone in your group to do this for you. 

Here are the items you need to gather before the wedding.

- A sturdy cardboard box (ideally around 12"x  12" x 12"). Make sure it is no taller than 60 cm, or the post office will require a more expensive service.

- A cardboard florist's vase (your florist might be able to provide one, or you can buy one on Amazon)

- Newspaper

- Kitchen paper

- A sandwich bag

- An elastic band

Alternatively, for €20,00 I can send you a full posting package, all you have to do is put the flowers in and send it back to me.

Postage fee to return the parcel is not included.  

Thank you for giving us the time to create! Our turnaround is currently 6-8 months. We are focused on delivering exquisite and extraordinary creations for you to cherish for a long time.